AR Trust


A. R. TRUST is a non-political, secular organization. The Trust is established to work in the fields of social work, education and environment protection without any distinction as to caste, colour, race creed or religion. Presently The Trust is running an Helpage Home (Rang Sanjivni) for poor and needy and organising public utility programmes, cultural programmes, programmes for all round development of needy old, women and children. The Trust is committed for the education of those children who are not able to get education because of family’s financial position. The Trust is also committed for the education of those girl children who are not able to get education because of some family problems. To make children well cultured and to make them perfect in modern education system, The Trust is organising special creative sessions. The Trust plans to build spacious ASHRAMS for the management of old age homes, orphanages and cow shelter homes:

  1. ASHRAM, Nagli Teerth Road, Sakoti, Meerut
  2. ASHRAM, Haridwar, Uttaranchal
  3. ASHRAM, Una, Himachal Pradesh



The main objectives of the Trust are:
  1. To establish and manage old age homes.
  2. To provide jobs, residence facility and food to poor, helpless and needful girls and women.
  3. To contribute and manage for the marriage of poor or orphan girls.
  4. To contribute and provide dress, books, fee, residence, food, etc for the poor and deserving children.
  5. To make children well cultured and to make them perfect in modern education system.
  6. To work for the betterment of institutions for the physically handicapped or disabled or mentally retarded persons, lepracy homes.
  7. To provide public help by organising medical and astrological camps.
  8. To exhibit and distribute handicraft and other material made by the members of The Trust or made by The Trust’s contribution.
  9. To manage and establish libraries and auditoriums for public utility.
  10. To create awareness against social evils like child labour, dowry, etc. and to make efforts to eradicate all such social evils.
  11. To work for the protection, preservation and purification of environment by tree plantation, developing ground water resources, rain water harvesting, and to create public awareness for the same. To manage and contribute for agriculture, horticulture and medicinal farming.
  12. To work for preserving any extinct or endangered species.
  13. To establish and manage cow shelter homes.
  14. To arrange religious and cultural programmes, langars and food for all guests.
  15. To manage and contribute for religious or recreational tours.
  16. To publish and distribute annual magazine.
  17. To do any other act for the advancement of general public utility not involving the carrying on of any activity for profit without distinction of caste, colour, creed or religion.


President    : Dr. Hemlata Vasishtha   (09456041006)
Secretary    : Dr. Ashok Kumar Vasishtha  (09897693738)
Main Members : Sh. Deepak Sharma   (09412200045)
        Sh. K. K. Sharma   (09412083510)
        Sh. Rakesh Kumar Sharma   (08979810442)


Services by Rang Sanjivni:

  1. No specific sum in charged for any routine service provided by Rang Sanjivni. However, the inmates may denote to support the charity taken up by The Trust. Details in this regard may be had from the office at Rang Sanjivni.
  2. Disabled inmates will be provided for services of special nurse on the recommendation of Rang Sanjivni management.


Admission is open to any senior citizen, who can not run his / her life due to loneliness or in absence of any attendant / person who can take care of him / her, or those persons who can not run their lively hood adequately due to old age factor, or those neglected by their own kith and kin or those persons who are free from family liabilities and wish to serve the society for their remaining life and want to share their knowledge and experiences of life with the younger generation irrespective of religion, caste, creed and colour subject to general fitness, for which the applicant will be required to submit test reports of the tests as advised by The Trust management. The doctor on panel of the Rang Sanjivni will examine the test reports and admission will be confirmed only on his approval. Senior citizens who are suffering from infectious or mental diseases, or are involved in criminal cases or offences or addicted to liquor or psychotropic substances, drugs etc. are not eligible for admission in the Rang Sanjivni.


  • Any person desirous of becoming inmate of Rang Sanjivni Helpage Home will be admitted on approval of Board of Trustees of A. R. Trust on recommendation of Admission Committee of the Rang Sanjivni.
  • All persons desirous of becoming inmates at the Rang Sanjivni are to apply on the prescribed form along with a declaration and an affidavit on stamp paper agreeing to abide by the regulations of A. R. Trust.
  • Admission form should be accompanied by two photographs of the person seeking admission, duly signed by two local guarantors with under takings from preferably two close relatives.
  • The mode of admission will be in accordance with the assessment reached at by the authorities on the basis of interview with the applicant.
  • The admission to the Rang Sanjivni will be provisional for the initial period of 90 days. The management will confirm the admission after 90 days of living, if not found unsuitable.
  • Every applicant applying for admission to Rang Sanjivni shall be required to produce at the time of interview a person who is none other than his/her near relative, failing which he/she shall produce a consent letter / credentials from such near relatives like children, brother(s), sister(s) who have attained age of majority and are competent to contract and such letter / credentials shall bear the signature, full address of contact, telephone numbers for the purpose of personal interview jointly held by the Trustees / Admission Committee and the applicant to access his / her eligibility to admission.
  • The applicant should also furnish to the satisfaction of the authority at the time of interview the following documents in original:
    1. Proof of Age.
    2. Proof of Address.
    3. Test report of the tests as advised by Rang Sanjivni.
    4. Police verification report.
    5. The name, surname, family name and full address and contact telephone number(s) / mobile no. of his/ her near relative and applicant’s relationship with such person.
    6. The details of applicant’s spouse including his/ her name, surname, family name, date of birth, contact telephone number(s) etc. if the applicant is married.
  • The authorities of the Rang Sanjivni may refuse admission to any applicant whose character or antecedents are not satisfactory or for any other reasons which the authorities deem fit.
  • Any inmate who has obtained admission by means of false representation of any kind or who may be found indulged in indiscipline / misconduct shall be dismissed from the Rang Sanjivni.
  • No inmate will be re-admitted when once he/she is dismissed / sent away from the Rang Sanjivni. The decision of Trustees shall be final and binding upon the applicant.



Eligibility For Admission at Rang Sanjivni

Admission is open to any senior citizen, who can not run his / her life due to loneliness or in absence of any attendant / person who can take care of him / her, or those persons who can not run their lively hood adequately due to old age factor, or those neglected by their own kith and kin or those persons who are free from family liabilities and wish to serve the society for their remaining life & want to share their knowledge and experiences of life with the younger generation irrespective of religion, caste, creed & colour subject to general fitness, for which the applicant will be required to submit test reports of the tests as advised by The Trust management. The doctor on panel of the Rang Sanjivni will examine the test reports and admission will be confirmed only on his approval.

Ineligibility for Admission at Rang Sanjivni

Senior citizens who are suffering from infectious or mental diseases, or are involved in criminal cases or offences or addicted to liquor or psychotropic substances, drugs etc. are not eligible for admission in the Rang Sanjivni.


All donations should be in the name of ‘A. R. TRUST’ payable at Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Expected Contribution

Immortal Contribution Amount       : According to will
Immortal Annual Contribution Amount     : Rs. 51,000/-
Immortal Annual Donation Amount     : Rs. 21,000/-
Immortal Annual Help Amount       : Rs. 11,000/-
Note: Personal invitations of all programmes organised The Trust will be sent it to all Donors and special hospitality will be given to them.



Vasishtha Place
92/2, Thapar Nagar
Meerut – 250001
Uttar Pradesh (India)
Phone : 09897693738
Email :